Saturday, December 28, 2019

Relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1060 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Jane Eyre Essay Did you like this example? A bildungsroman (coming-of-age novel or story) tells the psychological, moral, and overall development of its protagonist at different points in their life– it would be interesting to look at the physiological development and dynamic Jane develops throughout the novel. Her first relationship with Mr. Rochester, her relationship with St. Paul, and of course her relationship with herself that allows her to return to Rochester. Janes first relationship with Rochester is pure and naive. This was the first time she ventured off into the world. There were many faults to the relationship and though she was intellectually matched with rochester she was not equal or free. She was his employee and he was technically married. She did not have power in her relationship. And when she found his secret she could no longer love him in a honest and forthright way. The relationship could not have worked without both individuals growing to later be able to maintain it. The relationship was unbalanced from wisdom. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester" essay for you Create order The relationship dynamic between Jane and St. Paul was a benefactory one. Neither of them truly loved each other in a romantic sense (though Jane strived for a familial love) but they benefited from each others presence. St. Paul confused that subordinate/intellectual equal relationship for love– denying himself from the other girl out of fear of losing things in the process. It was also manipulative because, again Jane sought for unconditional familial love, and St. Paul wanted something more. He made Jane change herself and bend herself to his will. They were not equal. But this relationship needed to happen so Jane could better her relationship with the most important person, herself. She became independent and payed everyone back– because she matured in this interaction she was able to become completely free. The maturing experiences that both Rochester and Jane went through, though saddening, let them have the happy marriage they would never have been able to have the first time round. They were getting married as intellectual and wise equals, both free and independent (but both relied on each other). They married in a honest, open, mature relationship. While she feared losing herself in a relationship with St. John, she seems perfectly content to become one with Rochester. Love is still Janes religion; in relationship, Jane has found her heaven. Prompt #3 Brainstorm – Analyze how the characters’ relationship to the past contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. Mr. Rochester of course has a secret and terrible past. Throughout the novel he is put on trial and tested by his past mistakes. In many ways he must grow and by the end of the book is a different man as a result. It is easy to see the quest and struggles for independent maturity Jane goes through, throughout this novel. She is, of course, the narrator and protagonist so it is expected to be able to clearly see from start to finish the growth of Jane. We see each obstacle see has to overcome to reach the person she becomes at the end of the book. But what about Edward Rochester? In many accounts he is analyzed but in such a way only to examine his role in relation to Jane and her self-searching exploration. So what is Rochesters journey and role, what are his quests and struggles? And of course how do both characters growth compare? Rochester’s progress throughout the novel has not received anywhere near the amount of critical consideration as has Jane’s, and yet it is equally important to its reading as a feminist text. Both Jane and Rochester engage in a constant battle against their society’s dominant ideologies regarding gender and class. But in his case he is an insider, unlike Jane which you could call an outsider (as far as class goes). Rochester, like Jane, is equally affected by his past experiences. Rochester is the ‘heir to nothing.’ His father left his estate to Rochester’s brother, Rowland. This act alone, and by his own father, puts Edward on more equal footing with a woman than a man, as it is old custom for land to be given to the son of the family. Because of this, Edward is forced into a new situation to hopefully secure him a place of good social standing. He is, essentially, sold. Although Rochester is upper-class and male, he is rendered a pawn by his greedy father and by â€Å"her family (Bertha), who wished to secure him because he was of a good kind.† His wife, Bertha’s duty to establish Rochester by playing a proper English gentlewoman, but she can’t because she is insane. Rochester therefore locks her away, and tries repressing the guilt of his inability to place himself in the aristocracy. After this he builds himself up from the ground, and from his parent and brothers death acquiring even more wealth. He became a gentleman in most ways and secured a place in society. He found the perfect wife, home, lifestyles, etc†¦ Jane and Rochester have equal timelines He courts Blanche Ingram, a woman who would complete his masculine veneer. But in the end he truly connects with Jane, and discerns between the two only the desire for a financial alliance. Jane affirms her superiority to Rochester in that she would never sell herself into a marriage for wealth (as Rochester once did). â€Å"I would scorn such a union: therefore I am better than you.† When Bertha dies and brings down the house with her, she frees Edward Rochester from his patriarchal pretenses. She, herself, is also destroyed, destroying his long-harbored feelings of inadequacy as her husband. He suffers severe deformities by the fire and can no longer continue to keep up the facade of a self-sufficient ‘true gentleman.’ Blind and misshapen, he now has no choice but to present himself to society as an imperfect and limited man. And with that he is able to embrace his true self. He, without embarrassment, tells Jane that he wears her pearls, not caring how the information might be misinterpreted. He and Jane went through similar things in the end, both suffering from toxic gender roles forced on them in society, and in the end they are what set each other free from that; accepting each other for who they truly are despite jewels, beauty, money, etc†¦ Relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester - Free Essay Example Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 390 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/05/18 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Jane Eyre Essay Did you like this example? Jane and Rochesters relationship is centered around manipulation and secrecy. Jane works as a governess under Rochesters employ. From the time that Jane first meets Rochester, he is, in a way, manipulative and controlling towards Jane. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester" essay for you Create order He hides his real identity until he knows he has more power over Jane. Rochester organizes a party, welcoming guests into his house. He flirts with Blanche Ingram, wanting Jane to become jealous and declare her love for him. When she doesnt, he appears angry and flirts all the more manipulating Janes and Blanches emotions. Rochester finally declares his love for Jane, stating they must get married straight away. (Bronte, 163). Another example of Rochester manipulating Jane is when he dresses up as a gypsy to trick Jane into admitting her true feelings for him (Bronte, 228). This manipulation Rochester uses towards Jane affects their relationship. Bertha is the wife of Mr. Rochester. Bertha Mason is insane and violent. Bertha Mason is mad; and she came of a mad family; idiots and maniacs through three generations! (Bronte, 337) Bertha lives in a hidden room on the third floor of Thornfield and is watched all the time by Grace Poole. He lifted the hangings form the wall, uncovering the second door: this, too, he opened. In a room without a window, there burnt a fire, guarded by a hugh and strong fender, and a lamp suspended form the ceiling by a chain. (Bronte, 338) Bertha and Rochester were set up by their families to marry one another, even though she was likely to become insane. Mr. Rochester was unable to divorce Bertha due to her insanity which drives him to marry Jane. The social restrictions of the time have again disrupted Jane and Rochesters relationship (Bronte, 327). Mr. Rochesters manipulation of Jane Eyre causes Jane to react in two different ways. Janes first reaction is to leave him, which leaves her with nothing. She is forced to be independent. That I am not Edward Rochesters bride is the least part of my woe, (Bronte, 343) Rochesters reaction to this is somewhat controlling, he reaction is anger. Her next reaction happens after she goes to find Mr. Rochester and discovers that Thornfield has been ruined, Bertha is dead and Mr Rochester has been blinded and crippled by the fire. She then decides to marry Rochester (Bronte, 487). Reader, I married him. (Bronte, 517)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Early Childhood Into Adolescence A Time Of Development...

Early childhood into adolescence is a time of development and change. Whether it is biological or environmental, we are constantly shaped and influenced by our surroundings. Of those, we can attribute a vast majority of our behaviors, social skills, values and attributes to our parents. They are solely responsible for guiding and nurturing their offspring through their development in hopes that they will be model citizens. More common than not, however, divorce has become a common practice among couple who are not a right fit, splitting families into two distinct households and many children unsure of their new life. Divorce can be linked to a change children’s social skills through differences in gender, early maturation, and lasting effects into adulthood. Couples who decide to divorce from one another often do so simply because of irreconcilable differences in their marriages. Those who have children may feel pressure to stay together and keep face for the sake of their young. Santrock questions whether or not parents should, in fact, stay married to suffice their children’s lives. The quality of parenting in an unhappy marriage is a key factor in breaking this issue apart. On one side, children may see unhealthy qualities of a relationship that may affect the way they view social relationships amongst their peers and later in their intimate relationships. On the other hand, some families find balances between handling things like income and housing and can make the newlyShow MoreRelatedAdolescence and Early Adulthood Essay1731 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescence is often considered a time of confusion, rebellion, and problems. While this can occur, most people emerge from adolescence without any problems and successfully naviga te the changes that accompany adolescence. Researchers do seem to agree that there are a lot of changes that take place during adolescence, but it does not always mean that it is an unpleasant time in the lives of humans (Santrock, 2011). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Promoting Missionary Mutual Care

Question: Discuss about the Promoting Missionary Mutual Care. Answer: Introduction: Grenz and Smith, (2015) stated God creates the World by an Act of Love. The Father created the son. The love between the father and son and the Holy Spirit is eternal and the relationship exists as a creation of Gods own nature. The love that exists is both recipient and the mirror of ones eternal love. The purpose of the existence of God is to praise him and glorify him willingly and consciously. The beautiful creation of nature by God and his power to give life to the creatures formed the Universe. Holy Spirit is the one who fashions the world and bring love and prosperity in life. The beautiful creation has made God rightfully enjoy the world. He is the one who has the power to declare what the creation should be. The result of the creation has brought future sovereignty in the world where we live. Thus, it can be easily assumed that if the Earth where we live is beautiful enough, the heaven, which is the paradise of God, will be more beautiful than ones expectation (Shepherd, 2014). It is Gods grace that has brought an eternal peace and fellowship with the people of the earth. References: Grenz, S. J., Smith, J. T. (2015).Created for community: Connecting Christian belief with Christian living. Baker Academic. Shepherd, D. L. (2014). Promoting Missionary Mutual Care Through Spiritual Community.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Capital Management and Corporate Performance †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Capital Management and Corporate Performance. Answer: Introduction: There are different performance measures that can be applied by the companies in order to maintain proper protection of the policies and procedures in the industry. The performance measures need to indicate the damages along with the reliability of the delivery as this will help them in maintaining and following the policies and procedures (Govindan, Soleimani Kannan, 2015). There are different performance measures that are followed by the respective company and this can help them in maintaining proper functioning of the organizations. Furthermore, the company needs to analyze the reliability in the delivery procedure, as this will help in understanding the issues in the reliability of the stock that needs to be handled properly. Furthermore, the three key supplier performance measures are as follows: Delivery reliability is the ratio that is generally used in order to evaluate the reliability of the delivery for a particular supplier (Ahi Searcy, 2013). This ratio is calculated by the respective organization named NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd. by dividing the number of deliverables that are received on a particular date and the number of errors has to be divided by them in order to get the error free results (Heizer, 2016). The supermarket needs to analyze the delivery dates that has been missed by them as well as the calculation of the mistakes that has been committed by them while calculating the quantities and the number of deliverables as well (Brandenburg et al., 2014). Suppose NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd. has total 200000 number of grocery items wherein 3000 stocks were not calculated and around 2500 stocks were wrongly written and there error in the calculation as well. There were different errors that have been made by the supermarket that has to be reduced by them in order to show reliability in delivery. There has been a unreconciled of 5500 units of stock that can have huge impact on the supermarket and this will be a huge loss to the company as well. From this example, it can be analyzed that proper and accurate information has to be generated by the officials of the company, as this will help in calculating proper units of stock that will be considered reliable in nature. This will help in enhancing the reliability and accuracy in the deliverable of the supermarket as well. Damage in transit is the insurance that can be claimed by the respective supermarket for the damages that has happened to the goods in transit (Waller Fawcett, 2013). The respective supermarket has to keep proper details of the goods and the services that will be coming in transit in order to understand the issues wherein they can claim the insurance (Stadtler, 2015). It can happen that the goods that has been ordered from the outlet by the supermarket has been lost or gone missing as well. Furthermore, the supermarket can claim the insurance for the goods that has been lost while in transit (Axster, 2015). The supermarket can claim for the damages that have been incurred by them and this is applicable for all the markets. If a product that have been ordered online and it is damaged in, nature, then depending upon the nature of damage whether minor or major damages, the respective supermarket can claim the damages incurred by them. Suppose when the respective company ordered a carton of different kind of sauces and after receiving the order, the officials of the company found that there were bottle of sauces that were broken and few were damaged as well. In this case, the respective company can claim the damages, as it was a major issue and this will affect the overall delivery reliability of the shop. Furthermore, the company needs to have proper guarantee on their different goods and services as in future when such mishap happens, then the company can claim damages from the wholesaler and this will help them in following proper policies and procedures. Inventory holding cost is the cost that is the sum of the money tied in the inventory along with the physical space that has been occupied by the inventories of the respective company (Baos-Caballero, Garca-Teruel Martnez-Solano, 2014). The rent, depreciation as well as insurance taxes are included in the physical space as the rent has to be paid by the company for the space that has been used by them in order to setup the factory. When the beginning inventory of the respective company is $30000 and then the company purchased $70000 of such inventory plus the actual beginning inventory $30000 and the purchased inventory costing to $70000 that will be equal to the $100000 that will be the cost availability of goods and services. The gross profit/loss will be calculated with proper percentage of the sales in order to calculate the gross profit. This will help in analyzing the rent and the other taxes that are applicable in the holding cost of the inventory as well. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that the respective company needs to acquire such performance measures, as this will help them in following the rules and regulations regarding the system of inventory. The company needs to adopt one of the performance measures, as this will help them in maintaining proper inventory system in the organization. Furthermore, it can be recommended that inventory holding cost can be adopted by the respective company as this will help them in maintaining proper inventory cost and calculate the gross profit/loss that will be incurred by them in the present or the future as well. The company needs to analyze the inventory cost at the beginning along with the cost of inventory at the end of the year. This will help the respective company in analyzing the amount that will be incurred as the profit or loss by the entire company in maintaining inventory by calculating the rent, taxes as well as the depreciation that has been incurred by them. References Ahi, P., Searcy, C. (2013). A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management.Journal of Cleaner Production,52, 329-341. Axster, S. (2015).Inventory control(Vol. 225). Springer. Baos-Caballero, S., Garca-Teruel, P. J., Martnez-Solano, P. (2014). Working capital management, corporate performance, and financial constraints.Journal of Business Research,67(3), 332-338. Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J., Seuring, S. (2014). Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions.European Journal of Operational Research,233(2), 299-312. Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., Kannan, D. (2015). Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future.European Journal of Operational Research,240(3), 603-626. Heizer, J. (2016).Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Waller, M. A., Fawcett, S. E. (2013). Data science, predictive analytics, and big data: a revolution that will transform supply chain design and management.Journal of Business Logistics,34(2), 77-84.